How Early Can You Know Youre Pregnant Reddit
What were your Earliest signs of pregnancy?
I think I may have had implantation bleeding a few days ago. What I had fits well into all the descriptions I've read. I've also been having just another strange feelings and am wondering what your earliest feelings/symptoms were. Evidently I will exam in a few days if my period doesn't arrive, I'm just curious.
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level 1
· ix yr. ago infant daughter born on Thanksgiving
The early signs of pregnancy are exactly the same as PMS symptoms, and so it is very hard to tell. For me, I was ridiculously exhausted as early on as iv.5/5 weeks, which continued through the whole first trimester and is just starting to ease up a chip in the second.
level 2
Same. Crazy exhausted the two days before I plant out. I also had breast tenderness, but it didn't feel much different from what I'd had for PMS either.
level 1
I was 100% positive that my period was coming, because my boobs were sore, I was having cramps, and I was tired. I but took the pregnancy exam to prove to a co-worker that I was Non pregnant. Ha! Imagine my face up after a positive test.
level 1
hah. A positive pregnancy exam. I had really mild fatigue and sore boobs afterward, but I took the exam on the mean solar day that my menses was due on a whim, before whatever "symptoms" showed up.
level 1
I was extremely bitchy the day we constitute out. Before that, I was wearied, my boobs were sore, and I felt like I was going to get my period at any moment because of the cramping.
level 1
My boobs hurt and I got cramps without having a period. Besides uber super awful (slightly painful) gas (TMI, deplorable).
level 1
· 9 yr. agone Charlie Elenore born 1/28/14!
I started having symptoms incredibly early. I think this egg RACED through to implant. I know my O engagement with much certainty due to OPK.
one.Cramps manner too early- about 4-5 DPO (i doubtable i had some crazy early implantation) 2. Incredibly sore nipples. (started at around 5-6DPO) 3. Tired every bit all go out (5-6 DPO) 4. HUNGRY omg, I ate And so MUCH it was nuts (6-7DPO)
I got a faint positive at 8DPO and a clear positive at 9DPO :)
level 2
· nine year. agone Rainbow Babe Male child born 10/27/14
BFP at eight DPO!! Your sperm and egg were FAST!!! LOL!
level 1
· 9 yr. ago Simon Bradly built-in 11/5/thirteen!
The exam. I don't call back I had whatsoever real symptoms until 6 or 7 weeks when I started getting sick/sore boobs
level one
Heartburn, exhaustion, sore breasts.
"Accept you really had heartburn for 8.5 months?" Yep, yes I accept. I hate everything.
level 2
· nine twelvemonth. ago Ninja surprise baby is here!
Oh, poor poor yous. That'southward awful! I've only had heartburn a few months and I'g so over it. :(
level 1
· ix yr. ago Nikolai Evan arrived June xix - all natural
Fatigue. Major, major fatigue. I was falling asleep at work considering I was so tired, and no amount of sleep helped. I e'er tell people, "I never slept meliorate than in the week before I found out I was pregnant."
level 1
· 9 yr. agone Ninja surprise babe is here!
I didn't call up I was pregnant. I'd even mentioned to my husband the week earlier that my bicycle must be starting equally my breasts felt sore. (Though I did call up that they felt a different kind of sore than normal.) When my flow didn't show by Mon, I took a test on Fri. I was so unsuspecting that I didn't even sentinel the urine go beyond the window. I was flabbergasted when I turned around to a positive result.
level 1
· ix yr. agone · edited 9 yr. ago Rainbow Baby Male child born 10/27/14
I institute out at ten DPO and I had awful boob hurting. That was why I decided to examination. Then around xiv/15 days DPO, constipation, lightheadedness heightened sense of smell. Lovely nausea kicked in at 5 weeks and is even so going strong at 9 weeks.
level ane
Crazy keen sense of smell and a feeling of fullness in my lower abdomen.
level ane
Sore boobs and extremely tired all the time no matter how much sleep I got. Thought maybe I was coming downwardly with something.
level i
Sore boobs, and I was a day tardily or so when normally my periods are very predictable (even before I was ever on BC). Although, I had only been off Nuvaring for 2 cycles when I got meaning and I'd had similarly sore boobs the month earlier. Now I'chiliad wondering if I may have had a chemical pregnancy the month before, but at the time I had attributed the feeling to my hormones shifting a bit due to recently stopping my hormonal BC.
level one
Information technology all started with implantation bleeding, which I thought was my menses starting but information technology never did. And then sleeping 20 hours a solar day. Then everything tasted rotten.
level 1
· 9 yr. ago daughter 1 built-in 25/01/14 girl 2 born eleven/01/17!
Fatigue. I felt things were a bit off with me but I chalked it upwardly to the insanely stressful visit I'd but had with my mum. I had make cup cakes and after they were done, I laid downwards on the couch. I could barely keep my eyes open, it was the day my period was supposed to evidence upwards and I was going out for dinner where I knew copious amounts of wine was going to be consumed. I took the test to make sure I wasn't pregnant, afterwards 6 years of "not trying but not stopping" and nix happening I was sure I wasn't just wanted to double check, and yeah I was pregnant!
level one
For me, I started getting suspicious when I got winded going up and down stairs. This probably started around ii i/two, 3 weeks (I establish out when I was about v weeks meaning.) I worked out a lot so the fact that information technology just came out of nowhere made me wonder if something was going on.
level 1
My boobs hurt really bad during a run virtually 1.5 - 2 weeks (give or take). They weren't bigger, they just effin injure! Everyone says it's too early on then to have symptoms merely I know what these ladies feel like when I get running (I run a lot) and this was NOT normal. I took a pregnancy test a few days afterward and it was positive.
level 1
· 9 yr. ago Delivered via unplanned C Section eight/2013 :)
My early sign was having to pee in the middle of the night. That NEVER happened earlier I was pregnant, and started virtually a calendar week before my positive test.
level one
· ix yr. ago Expecting baby Jacob- 12/15
Sense of aroma. My fiancé got food poisoning (or norovirus or something) and he smelled like garbage: literally garbage. It was seeping through his pores. I smelled the sick before he even started feeling nauseous.
How Early Can You Know Youre Pregnant Reddit
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